Here's the deal. For first recess, we all had to stay in because of the humongous rainstorm. So we played the states game, but with all the thunder and stuff, I couldn't really concentrate and so I thought Detroit was in Minnesota instead of Michigan. Then for lunch recess, we got to go out IF we would NOT use the swings (because there was a big puddle at the bottom) OR the kickball field (because of a big puddle at homebase). Fine. We all said "OK" we WON'T. (except for Neil W. who we all knew would.)
That's when everybody was all talking about finding the ends of the rainbows. You only have to find one. And whoever gets there first will find a big pot of gold. I think I would buy 82 packages of scented markers and 14 packages of tape and my own scissors (the kind I can always use for paper!) and lots of paper and a horse with a baby colt. (It will be rust colored with a cream mane and tail.) Yeah. I really wanted that pot of gold.
"Luci, run...we have to get home fast..." She was slowing me down a bit, because of all the days to bring a bike without a basket! She had to carry her science project home and the bike and her bookbag. Why did she decide on crystals this year? She knows they are so breakable and fragiley and slowed us up a-l-o-t. I helped her with her bike. She is my very best friend, and so we stick together, but after we got to her house, I took off in my fastest run.
"Mom, quick! We have to call Dad." I yelled as I opened the front door. My mom came running to see what was wrong. "Mom, come see these rainbows! We need to call dad quick and beg him to get home and bring his GPS".
"Hadley K, dad's at work, but he'll be home for dinner." And that's when I told my mom all about the double rainbow and the FOUR rainbow ends for RIGHT NOW ONLY!!! and how there were four to choose from and how we had to hurry. And that's when I found out that it wasn't even TRUE. You have got to be kidding me. I really wanted it to be true. I had plans for all that gold. Drats!
"But mom! Look at all of those colors! Heaven wouldn't have painted all of those colors pointing to the ends for nothing! " Maybe it is true! I really really wanted it to be TRUE.
Then my mom asked me to start setting the table and we could talk about rainbows, because the truth was even better than a pot of gold. This had better be good, I thought.
She started to cut some carrots while I was getting the dishes from the cupboard.
YES! the humongous ARK boat (as HUGE as the football field where dad took us for family Night. He told us while we walked the whole field with his tape measure) so two kinds of every single animal, even the giraffes and poodles and catapillars had to be stuffed into it because they couldn't swim and stuff. They all came so we could have pets and things.
And after I said that...
I sorta got all worried about a flood coming to our house...and we don't even own a boat...and if we did, I don't know if Scruffy would stay in it. I got the cups from the cupboard.
"Honey, people were choosing all bad choices and they wouldn't even help their families know about right and wrong and how to get back to Heavenly Father. So He decided to start all over so that the children could learn when they got to earth. He wants everyone to have their best chances once they get to earth.
She told me the whole story, and we got the table all set, and the stew all made, but I didn't know what all of those dolphins, butterflies, and kangaroos, had to do with rainbows? I started to worry that we might have a flood...and what if dad didn't make a big boat like that? I can't even swim. Well, I can sorta swim...but not with the breathing part and everything. And what about Scruffy? And what about my brother on his mission in Brasil?
Then my mom wiped off her hands and got the scriptures and it is right in there about rainbows! Plus, it's TRUE! We will never have a flood all over the whole entire earth again. That is why we have rainbows!!! We don't have to get all afraid when it rains. The rainbow is a PROMISE that we will not have a whole wide world flood EVER again. Oh, my. That scripture made me feel safe. And that's not all of the promise. There is another part. Jesus loves us so much and He will come back to live on this earth again! Rainbows lets us know to do our best and be ready for Him because...(some year when the rainbows quit)...He will be here soon! Every single rainbow is a love-note painted straight from Heaven.
I got my coat...I just had to go outside and sit on the porch for awhile-because if Heaven was sending a message, I wanted to be right there to get it.
P.S. Thanks for the idea about rainbows McKenzie, and Thanks for the beautiful illustrations Nathaniel, Caitlyn, and Hailey K! They are great...Plus, Mostly...I love you amazingly much! (This entry was from 2008 originally) But for today, I wanted to thank Teresa for sending a beautiful photo of her rainbow right after the storm on Good Friday this year of Covid-19. Today, This Easter morning I awakened to a Glorious hope and feeling of Gratitude for Our Savior and His Life! I am so Thankful that He has restored His Gospel to the Earth and at age 68 years and 4 days old, I know that it is the way back home. Love, Grandma K
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