Hey Hadley K!



I am so excited that my pen is not even sure what to write!
We had the best Christmas in the whole world!!!       I cannot even think or believe what I actually got for Christmas!!!                       I just have to write every single part down to remember it FOR-E-V-E-R. OH MY!

The thing about writing in my journal is that I am saying stuff that I already know. But I am writing it down anyway, because of the family history...thing. It's really MY JOURNAL, but I already know about me, so I think its like I am writing it for my little children so they will know about these days. Only they are not even born yet and so I don't know their names or else I would write this to their names. But whoever you are going to be, (hmmm..maybe you are twins! Yeah, I think maybe two sets of twins, and then a boy and then a girl and then a boy and then another girl...and...well, wait! Maybe the girl first and then...hmmm...I sorta want 9 children but sometimes 7. I'll have to figure it all out on Saturday or something. I think everybody's names could start with K). Anyway: you kids be nice and share. Maybe you could tear this page out and make copies so everyone can have one because you are not going to believe what I got for Christmas!!!

First, on Christmas Eve, after dad read what Luke said about the real Christmas then I got to open the package that mom (winked about over and over). "Oh my! Thank you! I love these new pajamas!" (But don't even think thats the best surprise yet!) Because the best gift is next!

On Christmas morning, we sat on the stairs while Dad figured out about his new camera. He had us smile at least twelve times before the flash finally worked right, and Mom was smiling the whole time and telling us that it was already daytime in Brasil and so our brother was probably going to call us in an one hour and 22 and 1/2 minutes from now! I was smiling a straight cheeser because I know that's the best way to get the camera part done, (I sorta wished that dad had read his new instructions book another time too), but I was co-operating big time while we all waited for Jayden who really didn't get it about waking up at 5:00 in the morning. But later, when he saw that violet gecko bursting across his new blue and orange snowboard then he was wide awake. I heard a little noise down there. I really did. Okay, so we took the pictures quick and when the grandfather clock donged then we ran down the stairs and looked by the tree. And there under that tree was the best present in the whole country and beyond. There was the barky noise again and the cutest puppy that I ever saw in my whole life! And the puppy had a bright red bow on it and a tag that said: For Hadley K! I jumped up and down and yelled: Is this really my very own puppy for keeps? Momma, is this really my very own puppy? Look at my puppy!!! My very own puppy! Can we really keep this puppy? I felt a little tear come out because Dad said that we could keep it and that it was my Christmas present for reals and I was so happy. I didn't even know that I could have a real puppy for Christmas.

She is so soft and she is golden, the golden kind of retriever that's golden.. She licked my face because she likes me so much and I giggled about that. It feels so tickeleee. Then Jayden wanted to open his other present, but I forgot that there were other presents. So Dad opened his pencil holder and my Mom opened her Koo-pawns and Jayden opened his candy bar and pencil with the football eraser and the whole world was so happy about their gifts. I was the happiest of all! Oh My! Oh My!!!

We talked to my brother in Brasil, he kind of speaks our language still... and I told him all about my present. And he said, "what is your puppy's name?" and I said: "I don't know!" And he said, "You better choose a good name for her and then you can write a letter and tell me what it is!" And then he told me that he loves me. And then it was Jayden's turn to talk. I need a NAME for my new puppy. I need lots and lots of good ideas.

OH NO! Gotta go... my puppy just found another shoe. She is sooooo smart. Probably the smartest dog in the universe. She already knows all about what a shoe is, that's pretty smart for a little puppy and she can find them anywhere! Oops, that one belongs to my dad! Better go....


  1. Too bad they changed Geneology to:

    "Family History I am doing it"...

    only the parents will get that line...

    Call me...

  2. P.S. How is it that she can spell cooperation and not enstruckteeunz?


  3. p.p.s. I really like this story by the way!!!!

  4. Right when I read cheeser, Kenzie said "Cheeser?! No way do I like cheeser! No way do I ever want to hear cheeser again!"

  5. McKenzie:
    "Well, good that the dog found the shoe...and she said, 'that's dad shoe, I gotta go'....'cuz she was teething 'cuz she shouldn't bite on the shoe. So it was good. And...I love christmas. It's fun when you get lots of new presents at Christmas so that's what I like about Christmas. Even I like birthdays too. But my birthday is a long time. And my birthday is March 19th. So that means it's a long time away for my birthday to come - and me to be 5. And I'm just so exciting - and it's just so exciting. And I'm so happy they got fun presents. That's all I could think of for now".

  6. I love your stories so much, I can not even tell you! I really need a hard copy of all of these!

  7. mabey lukus and luke for short? or shay if it"s a girl

    By HAIley k.
