Hey Hadley K!


Her name is Scruffy!

My puppy has a name! Nobody even helped me. It is a great name, and I thought it all up myself. My puppy is (da da!):

Kaisa K Scruffy Shay! That is a terrific name! Maybe people will want me to help them name their dogs now...so I chose the very best one first because she is the very best dog in the whole world! We just call her Scruffy.
When I say: "Come on, Scruffy!", she wags her tail 100 miles an hour and so I know she likes her name alot.

But sometimes I think other people think that they have the very best dog in the world, even if they don't, and so it all works out. Its good that everybody see things a little different. Because Mrs. Merzolot two streets over has the real most ugliest dog I have ever seen...and I mean E-V-E-R seen, but she thinks it is just as cute as a button. I have never seen a giant bulldog button before, but I am happy for her, I really am. When I look at Mrs. Merzolot's dog, I see a big fat bulldog with drooling and grumpy and bowl-legging stuff...but she sees her best dog in the world. Maybe all the people with blue eyes see things different than all the people with brown eyes and green eyes. I will have to figure out, about that, on Saturday. All I know is that I am sooooo glad that I have green eyes and that my dog is the best in the whole wide country world!

The last two weeks have been the best! But in two days school will start again. I am sorta ready and sorta not. Life is like that. I want to tell my friends and my teacher about Scruffy...but I don't want to leave her home. I wish I could take her to school and let her sit right by my desk. But, She might eat the principal's shoes and chew up my best crayons and jump up on the lunch table and eat everybody's lunches in the whole school. And then she would be the biggest fattest dog in the universe and everybody would look at me like: 'You know that you can't bring a dog to school Hadley K and now it ate all of our lunches, including our dessert!' and I would just look down at my shoelaces because they are right, I do know that dogs can't come to school. But if I train her to be really nice and to stay and to sit and to crawl and to shake and ESPECIALLY: to go outside when she needs to be outside (if you know what I mean)...then it will all work out.

Today is the day, that I clean up all the bits of color from my bedroom floor. I know today is the day because when we were having our oatmeal this morning, my mom said, "Hadley K, today is the DAY!" and I knew EXACTLY what she meant. It will take about 3 years to clean my room and then tonight, I will train Scruffy to be nice. My mom thinks I should train me first...and when I thought about that...it is a really really great idea that she said. I really can learn to obey fast if Scruffy can, because when I think about it...I am a person and Scruffy is a dog and so if a dog can learn to obey first off...then I can too. I like that alot. At first, the thought of obeying about my messy room made me sad...but then I remembered my gift about choosing to be HAPPY...so I figured out to make a cleaning game. Yeah, okay, pick up all the red papers and red socks and red shirts or pencils or anything red in my room and put it all away before I count to 24! Then I think I will put away everything that has pink on it next! HEY! maybe...I should call Luci! She will think my game is like a genuis game!

Well....OR NOT. I guess it is mine to do all alone. Drats! OK. Here I go, just smile and nod, just smile and nod, just smile and nod. READY...SET...GO! Pick up everything with POLKA DOTS ON IT FIRST. Then STRIPES! Then every paper that measures under 1 and 1/2 inches long...YEAH! And while I am in the garage getting the measurer thingy... I will pet the best dog in the world: SCRUFFY!


  1. After "cute as a button" McKenzie said "button?" and then she laughed out loud after the part about "I don't think I've ever seen a bulldog button before". It was cute.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I wish you could have seen McKenzie's re-enactment of the "smile and nod" :)
    "I wish I could get a bunny for my birthday or for christmas or something 'cuz I really want a bunny and I really like bunnies. But Dad doesn't think we should get an animal in the house. I like that she got a puppy and that she likes it. And I really like all of the stories so much. They are really great. I hope Hailey and Heidi and Alexa and Grandma K like it - what I thought about it."

  4. My good name for a dog is Lila. Its a dog's name in a book. Our toy dog is named Scruffy. Caitlyn named it.

    I think everybody's dog is the cutest.


  5. I love your ability to say what the rest of us would like to say if we could only find the words! Each week is like taking a field-trip back in time. Thanks,thanks, thanks!
