Hey Hadley K!



This is my brand new journal and so here goes!  Our world is BEAUTIFUL!  There are so MANY COLORS!  And so MANY NICE FOLKS!  and so we should all be VERY THANKFUL every single spanking new day.  But this world is also BACKWARDS sometimes and so people are running around AFRAID and STUFF.  I just read about a boy who lived a long time ago and he said his heart was SWOLLEN with SORROW because people were doing bad stuff all around the place.  Well, that got my attention because that is sorta like our world.  He was so sad and said, OH, that I could have had my days at another time when people were good and when they tried to do what is right!  IF he could have lived at ANOTHER TIME, then he would have JOY!  He's talking my language right here because we have the CORNA all over the place right now and I'm already over it!  But then he said, I am CONSIGNED (whoa...big word...pause to find my Merriam-Webster Dictionay (aka M&W)  Ok, so Consigned means: to put (someone) in a usually unpleasant place or situation. They sure got that one right! My grandparent are sequestered (in lock-down basically) and I can't live without visiting them! But he just kept on going and chose right no matter what. Don't you think that is way hard? 

Ok. Back-up! Just so you know-I am Hadley K.  I really like to know how people THINK...and so if I ask them... then I AM already a JOURNALIST (well after I write things down that is).  I like to read because some people that I want to know about have already gone to Heaven and so I read about what they said and what they did when they lived on our planet.  Lately, I have been thinking alot about our world. Some things are messed up and maybe it would have been easier to live at ANOTHER TIME, like when everyone lived in the country and had horses and stuff!  (I love HORSES!)  but we are consigned to OUR DAY. And now we have Corona!  Oh Brother!  Well, I like the stay at home part...but the no friends over part is ruining my social life pretty much right now.  Plus, Mom thinks we still need some homework and extra chores!  WHAT?  I would not have cheered quite so much when they said school was closing for awhile?  Anyway, When I read about that boy, who worried about HIS day...I felt the SAME way about MINE!  So I kept on reading  and he was just brave and tried to help everyone around him know that it would all turn out ok IF they would just trust Heavenly Father.  

So, I thought maybe I should write down about OUR DAY and about how we should just BE BRAVE and Choose The Right  and then TRUST HEAVENLY FATHER to figure out all the other stuff for us. I like that I just have my part TO DO and that I do NOT have to STRESS about the REST!

O.K. so just REMEMBER that this is my journal and it is really for my children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren and so on and so forth forever!  That means YOU are welcome to read my journal ONLY IF:   #1- You are very kind because I am still just a kid ya know.  AND:  #2- IF you tell me when you are baking those one kind of cookies!!!  Oh! and #3 rule for reading: You can write your journal anyway you want, but mine is for my posterity-(M&W): (people in the future) and so it is not ok to tell me how I should think about things.  If you have great ideas or subjects that I should write 'about' then you can tell me! I will be glad, because I love new ideas more than I like new shoes!  A lot more! I am writing this so my kidlins will know that I LOVE them and to help them know they can keep on a going too!

So, some things about me, since I am the author here.  I have brown hair and green eyes.  I'll probably be an artist and a mom and a journalist and lots of stuff!   And I like the gray-blue color on the mountains right before it rains and I like all of the colors because drawing is what I am all about.

My best friend is Luci. She has orangy reddish hair and she has glasses and she is true, true, true, and is my very very best friend.  And mostly my other best friend is: Jayden because he will help me figure out about people and stuff when he is not rolling his eyes at me! (He's my brother-so that happens alot!)

I like to eat pizza...but so does everybody else and so I will add Salmon and Broccoli in there. I have a great family and so I am trying to define all about them right now too. I live in Ephraim. It is a little town...but it has a variety store and a park and a pet store and so good enough. And Plus, my school is here and all of my neighbors live here too. I like to think about things alot. I am going to be a scripture person when I grow up...so I have to be really really nice. With my brother, sometimes that is h-a-r-d. I like to roller skate and jump rope and ride my bike...well, it really is a family bike...but I pretend it is just mine sometimes. And I am a good sharer so it is all good. Zagnuts are my favorite candy and...

What? Oh wait. My TV show is on right now and I only get one show today... and it is on... and so I can't talk for a minute anymore right now...I wanted to tell you about the Cornavirus.. .but, sounds like we have lots of time for that-- so you can read what ever from the way life used to be...but gotta run... I'll be right back in a minute someday.  (I will mostly write on Tuesdays or maybe Saturday-or Thursday-but I mostly like Tuesdays or-- we'll see-   bye!) 

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