Ok, So the thing about yesterday is that I saw my Momma just kinda staring out the window and she didn't move and that means she didn't hear me come in because she was really thinking about stuff. So I backed out of the room real quiet cuz' you just feel when someone needs some space plus, ideas don't always come back if you break into them! I just wandered around the house for a while because I knew she was really thinking about something humongous. But, 23 or 47 minutes later, I could hear her in the kitchen and then I could breathe all the way to the bottom again because things were A-OK!
At the dinner table, Daddy said, "We have something we'd like to talk about and yup I knew that it was important right then. He looked at us and smiled. He said, "You know about the virus that is making lots of people sick right now, right?" We all nodded yes, even Jayden did. Then he said, "Well, there is something we can do to help! I was gonna ask how can we help when we can't even go past our very own driveway and stuff, but then he said, " Our Prophet has asked us to Fast and Pray this Sunday because lots of people are home like us and some people are afraid and some are sick and some are not sure what is going to happen next and we can pray for those people even if we don't know all of them so they will have comfort.
Jayden and Hadley K, would you do that with your Mother and I?
"Of course we will, huh Jayden?!" I sorta shouted out. (I really really want to help people like that. I want to pray for people that are cold, or all by themselves, or alone, (well, those are kinda the same), but I want to pray for people who are scared and sick and stuff...so why wouldn't I do it! ...and what about the kids who are lost and all the little animals too if they run away and don't know how to run back to the same place or something.) "How long will we fast?" Jayden said kinda more softly than my big blurt out. "Our regular fast time" dad said. We will begin tonight and then have dinner tomorrow evening. We will ask Heavenly Father to bless our world and the people that are sad right now and the leaders who are making important decisions. It will be like we do every fast Sunday and instead of eating we will give that food money to the Bishop and he can help people who need food or help. Momma had an idea too: "We might want to pray for all of the Truck drivers and Store people and the Doctors and Nurses and Policemen and all the Grandmas and Grandpas and well I guess everyone right now. So then I could tell what she had been thinking about and yup, it was humongous!
It kind of makes you quiet to think of all those people who need help. But, it makes you really happy to be able to do something to help them. I want my kids to remember this if they ever have the Corona when they get down here to earth. You just have to be Nice. Stay Home. Wash Your Hands. And think of things to do! My Grandma told me that I will have the same amount of time and be the exact same age when all of this stuff is over whether I learn something or whether I do nothing but pout around! She's funny and I love her, but she thinks why not just sew myself a dress! "Grandma, I'm just a kid" I said. Or learn to make Cinnamon rolls, or memorize a whole poem, or read 9,700 books, or something! "Grandma, I'm just a kid!" And she said, "Hadley K, you could even learn to play the Trumpet if you had one and if you ever wanted to!" I sorta laughed. But she kept on going! "Hadley K! in a few months you could be an artist or get a start at being a piano tuner or lion tamer or whatever you want! She is so Funny! But, when I gave the phone back to Momma, I started to think about her words and they might be a little bit true. Who wants to just waste their time all the time?
I tried so much not to get hungry today because some people don't even have banana bread all wrapped up and ready to eat right on that counter! I tried not to even go near the fridge at all-not even for a peek! I just kept remembering to sing the ABC's when I washed my hands and I stayed far away from people when I took a boring little walk in our yard. But then I got an idea that I was wasting time being boring so I started to think about everything around me that Jesus loves to create just to make me smile, and I want everyone to smile and not be sick or scared. I looked at the sky and tried to find things in the clouds for awhile. Then a thought came right to the top of my mind all by itself!
We didn't even have to be afraid because the Prophet told us to have scriptures in our homes a long time ago and so we already know all about having Church at home even when we can't go to the building with everybody else. Plus, today I got to give part of the lesson! The Prophet asked everybody to have some food storage planned so we already did that. But I think we made one little Giant Mistake... cuz' I just think we should have thought more about some Zagnut Candy Bars thats all! So, I will write that down so you won't forget to put some good stuff in your planning too. But, we do have popcorn-so it's all good.
By dinner time, I told my Mother that I was happy to help people and everything but it was hard to fast all day. She gave me a hug and told me that she felt like Heavenly Father had heard my prayers. "You know honey," she said. It was all up to you if you wanted to fast today and I know that you did it to help others! That takes alot of Faith to do our part." I liked that she told me that. ( I was mostly thinking how slow our fast day went and how much I wanted it to be over. Did I really do my part?) She stirred in the pan and asked me to set the table. I was extra happy to do it this time...because I was starving!
After Dad said the blessing to end our fasting, I looked at that spaghetti and banana bread which smelled like the best meal ever in the whole entire galaxy and beyond! I looked at my family and thought about some of the words that my Father had said about please bless all of those who are hurting that they may be comforted and that we would know our part to help. All at once I could feel something inside of me...and I put my fork down. "Excuse me please." (We always say that if we leave the table early for a minute). I went into my bedroom and closed the door and knelt down. I needed to tell Heavenly Father thanks so much that we have spaghetti and that yummy banana bread..and thanks that we have a Prophet that loves everybody! I really really wanted Heavenly Father to know that I hope everyone in the whole world can feel safe and not worry too much. And that if He needs me, I do have Faith, and I will share with anybody who needs something... and I really will.
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